Saturday, 30 May 2009
ZeitGeist-the movie
A movie about the "Zeitgeist" (the spirit of out times), and the way I see it a motivation to change things or at least not accept them the way they are. Interesting visualizations and interesting documentary character. : this is the link of their website where they have also posted their statement. There is also a sequel of the movie.
"'Zeitgeist, The Movie' and 'Zeitgeist: Addendum' were created as Not-for-Profit expressions to communicate what the author felt were highly important social understandings which most humans are generally not aware of. The first film focuses on suppressed historical & modern information about currently dominant social institutions, while also exploring what could be in store for humanity if the power structures at large continue their patterns of self-interest, corruption, and consolidation." excerpt form their statement.
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Articles review (2)
Your Business card is crap!
Not that I agree, but I feel like the aggressive way he uses to mention some things about business cards is interesting.
Good game?
May 28th 2009
From The Economist print edition
Playing video games can make you a better person
This article presents video games as an alternative way to educate young people, regarding their interest in playing video games. The author supports his idea with two studies that are presented in the article and they show that video games with an appropriate content can have a good impact to young people. The general result of the research is that when young people (10-17 years old) played the "pro-social" games ((the "“Chibi-Robo!”, which involves helping characters in the game by doing their chores, or “Super Mario Sunshine”, in which players clean up pollution and graffiti.) as guided they were "rated as more helpful to those around them in real life." A second study showed that generally these games may or may not affect the behaviour. From both studies, the outcome is that depending on what behaviours you will feed to kids you will probably have corresponding results. This is not something unexcpected. On the other hand the older generation should not be very judgmental to youthful habit that it may not understand which leads to that : "medium is not always the message".What are the 10 big design challenges in the social sector?
Researching for my Thesis I realize my general interest social oriented design. Here are the UN Millennium Development Goals, as mentioned in the article:
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Achieve universal primary education
Promote gender equality and empower women
Reduce child mortality
Improve maternal health
Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
Ensure environmental sustainability
Develop a global partnership for development
This list is mentioned by the author as a first step to gather the big design problems in the social sector. Another important and crucial factor of this design direction is the need to be as specific as possible. This is reason why the author presents this list.
How might we design a participatory system?
The main idea of the article is that "participation is key to the next big wave of innovation in business and society". I am a strong support of this point of view. From my little experience whenever I was working with a group I can say that I was even more creative and the outcome (right because it is an outcome that combines many different beliefs and ideas) has been successful. The author also mentions the importance of remaining loyal to design systems that have human centered character and the importance of keeping the interactions designed profitable for all participants. ("an interaction that becomes a productive investment, not an act of consumption"). Concerning effective innovation the author suggests "Rapid prototyping" and “learning by making” as an accepted strategy. Ideas are welcome about this "participatory system concept" because is the author is working on it as a thesis topic.
Why People Believe Invisible Agents Control the World article examines what makes people believe that the world is haunted and controlled by invisible agents of any kind. This tendency to believe that the world is controlled by invisible intentional agents is called "agenticity" and it's a result of "the capacity to be aware of such mental states as desires and intentions in both ourselves and others" (human brain function).“Many highly educated and intelligent individuals experience a powerful sense that there are patterns, forces, energies and entities operating in the world,” Hood explains. And the general conclusion of the article is that as humans we are " natural-born supernaturalists."
Polaroid Lovers Try to Revive Its Instant Film
I thought what was interesting about this article is that first of all, some people try to revive an "oldschool" way of taking pictures. And as mentioned in the article, even though that seems retrograde, the arguments of the people who try to revive polaroid is that, “It is about the importance of analog aspects in a more and more digital world.”
After many business discussions what they are now trying to do it so research and reinvent the "chemicals that can mimic what Polaroid’s own once did".
Is Design Too Important To Be Left Only To Designers?
Posted by: Bruce Nussbaum on April 30 in Business Week
Another Article related to my Thesis. The main point of the article is that "The failure of existing modes of delivering services to consumers, students, patients, travelers, etc., is making Design a hugely important system of reframing old problems and creating new answers." When I started researching for my Thesis I had the same question, just rephrased as I wasn't able to judge the "existing modes". One main point is that "the integration of sociology, anthropology, and psychology broadly into design gave it much greater gravitas and power to do large-scale change" and for that reason it is questioned if designer can handle this new direction. As pointed from the author "the vigor now infusing design appears to be coming from outside the field from non-designers" but that doesn't mean that non-designers will be the ones who will take design to the next level. Design is still proving that have more competencies to reveal and one of its main strengths is to "integrate and iterate". The coclusion insinuates that it is time for designers to practise on this next level but still the question comes back "Is Design Too Important To Be Left Only To Designers?"
Friday, 22 May 2009
Articles Week 1
For the Public by the Public
Not an article, but one of the projects that inspired me to work with communities and gave me a good motive to start studying designers as more active members in the procedure of causing social interaction and build optimism among the members of communities.Aesthetic Pollution and the Soul of Design

link :
This may be a more radical perspective and apparently more subjective. I read Adbusters even though some of the opinions presented may be a little extreme but usually it is a truth told in an aggressive way. This article written in a form of manifesto presents some of the concerns about the future of design. I had similar concerns during my first years in the graphic design school : like Dada was at that time, Bauhaus and all the movements that really innovated at their time period. It feels like everything has been done. But I guess it will not have the same form nowadays.. There are still innovations to happen for sure.. The whole difference is maybe the fact that they are mostly related to technology but the will carry ethics, values and concept.
Johanna Brewer about ethnography and design
Ethnography, from my experience working for a Community based design project, can become a great source of inspiration. As mentioned by the author, the aim of this study was to "leverage ethnographic techniques to seek inspiration for new designs". My ethnographic focus was the Bedford-Stuyvesant community. The procedure of gathering this sort of information in order to consider them for a community project was pretty new to me and the community's culture was also new. After reading the article I realized that the steps I followed for my project match the techniques that the author presents : Traditional and Innovative methods both require physical presence and experience of the subject that is studied. I firmly believe that in order to solve a problem you first need to experience it in a way and as this article supports it :“when you go to a place and talk to people, you design sth that is relevant for them (and it also makes them appreciate what you do)“.
This article presents another perspective of creative thinking and supports the cooperation of design, technology and ethnography. With this new approach I have to say I am more encouraged in continuing with my Thesis project which combines this idea of experience design and social engagement to provide solutions. I think it is more challenging for a designer to work at a more inquiring level even if there are certain risks when somebody finally needs to become more practical to "create new engaging experiences, inspired by real-world social interaction."
Mobile phone experience sucks: stop innovating
link : From Johnny Holland's website.
Even though the i-phone (for example), when it broke down and I needed to use my old classic Nokia cell, I was happy. Maybe it is personal, but I found myself being more happy to finally push the buttons to text somebody really fast and not struggling with the "touch screen" keyboard that sometimes would not cooperate at all. It is true that innovation should be encouraged but not in a way to reach a saturation . It is could to have to the choice. People who are more into having the very latest blackberry or i-phone or Nokia version they will research and buy what they want. There are still people though (older age groups or really young ones) that need the phone just to communicate (text and call)... I feel like going back to this point.
From various discussions with friends, I figured out most of them stick to one brand because of the familiarity with the interface. (Something that is obvious from the research in the article).
So I just feel that experience designers or marketing people shouldn't forget that these mobile devices are still adressed to humans that know how to adapt to different technologies but they can also get easily tired and overdosed by them.
Can Videoconferencing Replace Travel?
Use of new video meeting systems is already reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from planes, trains and automobiles
From Scientific American
I can see the benefits mentioned and they seem to strongly support replacement of travel by videoconferencing . (financial and environmental advantages). It is remarkable how effective this can be in order to reduce costs for the companies and for the environment. Being from a foreign country (10 hours trip to get there) I have to say I am really happy being able to communicate with friends and family by using teleconferencing software (Skype, GMail new features) and I should mention that it is free. For grandparents this is unthinkable and I enjoy trying to explain them the way network works. In general I admire all this evolution of technology, especially when it seems to be beneficial from many perspectives.
My only general concern is to not reach a point where physical human interaction will be replaced from virtual human interaction. And the only reason I mention that is because I experience people getting lazy and obsessed with this Web New World and forgetting how it is to physically interact with people. Eventually this sort of communication that imitates reality is much easier. It is not pessimism or catastrophism, but there is a need to always examine the "other side" especially when it comes to new technologies.
This article is really specific about the purposes of replacing travel with teleconferencing : military, business, and maybe medical and law purposes. I just wonder how much of human control is permitted in order to make sure that it is safe (especially military and confidential purposes). Overall as far all this new wave of communication can really have a positive impact to an environmental and financial level, it should be encouraged.
Providing Psychotherapy for the Poor

Innovative counseling programs in developing countries are repairing the psyches of civil war survivors and depressed mothers alike
from Scientific American, link : part of my thesis is to examine how designers can act more like interventionists to present or even solve social (or directly human related) issues. During the research I was trying to figure out a specific problem, so I can find a way to address it or to find a way to "cooperate" with a specialist (in this case a psychotherapist for example) to have an outcome than can actually help instead of just inform. I quote a sentence from the article to point out a likely design project : "Accordingly, refugee therapists spent six weeks learning to help patients shape their lives into a coherent story, incorporating major traumas into the narrative." At this point I cannot make an exact proposal about how this could happen, but the "narrative" for example could be represented visually and if there was a designer involved, it could a more pleasant and easier procedure for the patient in order to "shape their lives into a coherent story". I understand that this would demand a great amount of time and money, but I also see the importance of realizing it.
Especially psychological issues (as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) mentioned in the article) where visuals are usually encouraged (like the classic tests with the abstract shapes) may have a potential design project : it could be only visualizations or more complicate structural and organizational procedures to help the patients. (This could be a broader study in cooperation with specialists).
Building Happiness Architecture to make you smile

Pantopicon link :
"Changing society and people through changing the stuff they use." Well, when a designer needs to finally evaluate his design result, he should really aim in finally provoking happiness. When people find moments of happiness they will try to reach them again, and then a good relationship is built between customer and designer. Eventually the question is the one mentioned in the article : "where it can be found and whether we are capable of constructing it?"
This is how my thesis started. As mentioned in the Project Aims it is first important to get informed about how designers (and architects) can actually contribute to happiness. I think it is important that people who have the power to influence the everyday life study "the happiness issue" from a more practical perspective which at the same time becomes more realistic. What I understood during my thesis research is that you have to be as specific as you can. General/Broad may not end up to a practical solution. So I think somebody needs work with a sample in a micro scale and then I guess you will find the way to apply the process to a more general public. And also the intention matters as mentioned in the review about nature. Not everybody needs to intent to cause happiness even though that should be a standard for successful design (any kind of design).
Making commercials for the web

By Seth Godin, found at
It is interesting that consumers appreciate and criticize ads, either they are on TV or Web. I enjoy all these forwarded emails from friends around the globe with online ads that they want to share. The examples used in the article Dove and Castrol both have a "catch" : Dove "reveals" a fashion/design/marketing secret about this relative beauty that is presented in the public and makes a statement about what real beauty is. Castrol used a more fascinating/verbal way to do it : "dipstick" is the word that sticks in your mind! Each ad serves successfully its purpose in a different way.. I have to say though that probably because of my background culture I am not used to ads like the one of Castrol and eventually I find them "meaningless" but on the other hand successful in terms of pulling the attention. I guess the Dove ad makes me feel more valuable as a consumer comparing to the Castrol's one and people like information provided with such a "documentary" character.
The direction,where " the most popular commercials will get done by little shops that have nothing to lose" will give space for more experimentation in creativity. This experimentation of course will have its costs... as there is still no control. "Once it spreads, it belongs to the community, not to you." The way I see it, it is good to experience this aspect of democracy with free media, and as designer I am happy because I can easily have an opportunity to expose my work but on the other hand (especially having in mind the youtube example) I wish there was a little more control on what I can randomly see. I am just not sure how positive this is, if we keep in mind that quality is not guaranteed online and that may compose a negative effect in terms of over-information and eventually less attention.
Even though my point of view is affected by the fact that I am designer, as a consumer I always appreciate high quality ads (in content or in visual) but on the web, where I can choose not to watch ads, I never do. Only when there is something really specific about my interests I may get interested in. (specific keywords that change through time can only pull my attention).
Greener By Design: Nature's Rights, Nutrients and Quality Design

Founded through, source : Reuters
Greener design, as mentioned in the article, requires a great amount of extra thinking and work. As McDonough says at the end, "The green design approach yields a higher quality product." As designers we can evaluate what this sentence means in addition to the fact that we need to make a commitment before even starting our creative thinking. What will our next product be?
"Sustainability" has become a fashionable word in our field, but it is yet away from reality. Even in school.. we discuss about it but we need to take action the moment we think about it. Reduce our print outs, find another way to reuse our own waste.. I guess this commitment to nature should be included as a step in the creative process. It is also a matter of possibilities from the part of graphic designers. I mean, we may not be able to create a garden on a rooftop but we can communicate how to do it, or for example we can reduce our own waste, having in mind that at least for now we are the "print" designers. Here we can also present alternatives advantages of technology. A digital file instead of a print out or less copies etc.. Apart from the education factor -which is probably the most important- it also requires a certain level of consciousness and intention from our part. It is difficult to think instantly and this is true. I may not think every second that my print out may "kill" another tree somewhere in Amazon but if there is a certain procedure and organization I follow since the beginning I automatically become more aware of the results. I am concerned as a designer of what effect (positive or negative) my profession may have in nature and I try to know as much as I can about it.
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Youtube videos : and tree-free paper making A funny way to "reduce-reuse-recycle" > video made from teens > appealing to younger people. Greenpeace general inspiring action breathe in and out angry kid Einstein Archimedes young people protesting
websites for content and inspiration
Selected Age Group : 16-24
Other Group specifications : Bed-Stuy Neighborhood Brooklyn NY
Theme : Engage young people to act more about environment.
The specific theme of the website is "Free-Tree Homes" which is a part of the "reduce" waste concept in order to protect the environment and become more eco-friendly.
Everyday small moves that can be adapted from young people in a form of indivivual activism and engagement to the environment.

Some pop-culture/ other environmental inspiration :

Social networking elements : and tree-free paper making A funny way to "reduce-reuse-recycle" > video made from teens > appealing to younger people. Greenpeace general inspiring action breathe in and out angry kid Einstein Archimedes young people protesting
websites for content and inspiration
Selected Age Group : 16-24
Other Group specifications : Bed-Stuy Neighborhood Brooklyn NY
Theme : Engage young people to act more about environment.
The specific theme of the website is "Free-Tree Homes" which is a part of the "reduce" waste concept in order to protect the environment and become more eco-friendly.
Everyday small moves that can be adapted from young people in a form of indivivual activism and engagement to the environment.

Some pop-culture/ other environmental inspiration :

Social networking elements :

Introduction/ Selecting my inspiration
Selected organization to be inspired from is Greenpeace. (Activism)
I feel even though there is a strong movement towards environmental protection, young people do not really participate in a more "collective" way. The best way to engage people to a cause is to communicate in their own language and I think to create a communication code like if one of them would discuss about this topic. So, since I live in Brooklyn for the last two years I thought it would be interesting to create this social network which will address an environmental issue to people living in the Bed-Stuy neighborhood. So considering the pop culture and the history of this region I thought that it would be interesting to use the specific 'hood talk and create something that would sound "trendy" to be heard among young people.
I feel even though there is a strong movement towards environmental protection, young people do not really participate in a more "collective" way. The best way to engage people to a cause is to communicate in their own language and I think to create a communication code like if one of them would discuss about this topic. So, since I live in Brooklyn for the last two years I thought it would be interesting to create this social network which will address an environmental issue to people living in the Bed-Stuy neighborhood. So considering the pop culture and the history of this region I thought that it would be interesting to use the specific 'hood talk and create something that would sound "trendy" to be heard among young people.
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